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COVID Clinic Guidelines

Our COVID-19 Guidelines

We are constantly reviewing and updating our COVID-19 policies to ensure the safety of our clients and team. We would like to reassure you that we are continuing to follow the government’s guidelines, and going several steps further, to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable experience with us.

Our Clinic has successfully registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), an independent regulator that oversees rigorous quality, health and safety inspections, so you can be confident that we are meeting the very highest standards.

If you would like to make a booking or have any questions, please do get in touch with us by emailing or calling 020 7589 9585.

What you can expect from us

  • We will maintain the highest level of cleanliness and sanitisation practices throughout the Boutique and Clinic, carrying out regular deep-cleaning..
  • All of our staff have taken specialised, industry-led COVID-19 health and safety training.
  • We will be conducting continuous monitoring of the health of our staff, including daily temperature checks.
  • Upon arrival, we have also set up a no-touch hand sanitiser dispenser.
  • Clinic staff will continue to wear PPE where needed, including masks and/or visors, and washing their hands frequently, as this is the most effective form of hand sanitisation.
  • We will have Perspex screens at till points.
  • We will have windows and doors open wherever possible to allow air flow – apologies if it feels a little colder than usual.

What we ask of you

  • Please be ready to pay by card, as we will not be able to process cash payments. We also accept Apple Pay.
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before any treatment booked, so that you can sign a new consent form.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

We're looking forward to seeing you,

Sarah Chapman & Team x