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Modern Slavery Statement


Welcome to Sarah Chapman Limited and Sarah Chapman Skinesis Clinic Limited’s (SCL) modern slavery statement first published in 2021. This statement is made in spirit of section 54, part 5 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) and outlines the steps taken by SCL to prevent modern slavery within SCL and ensure it does not take place in our business and supply chains. Please feel free to contact us with any comments, queries or suggestions regarding our statement. We welcome a dialogue with all customers and stakeholders who are interested in this topic.

SCL believes it is important to develop our approach for tackling modern slavery. A code of conduct is being developed for everyone working within SCL, setting out the principles we must work by every day as well as providing guidance on how to identify and report a concern, if necessary using the relevant whistleblowing channels. It also applies, as far as possible, to our suppliers and contractors.

There are no known issues of modern slavery in our business or supply chains. SCL remains committed to taking swift and robust action in the event that any evidence relating to slavery or human trafficking in our business supply chain is identified.


SCL’s corporate social responsibility programmes are coordinated to develop and implement sustainability policy and strategy, establish targets and programmes, and ensure appropriate governance and accountability across all our operating companies. These policies apply to all persons working for us or on our behalf in any capacity and requires our approach to modern slavery to be communicated to all suppliers, contractors and business partners at the outset of our business relationship with them and to be reinforced as appropriate thereafter.

Other relevant policies include our Equal Opportunities Policy, intended to address and eliminate discrimination and promote equality of opportunity regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Our agreements with suppliers sets out the standards to which suppliers engaging with SCL and its operating companies must apply. This expressly prohibits the use of child labour and any form of slave, bonded, forced, involuntary prison labour, human trafficking or exploitation. All suppliers are expected to acknowledge and maintain equal standards within their organization, which outlines key principles to ensure that everyone working within SCL is aware and understands the behaviours that are expected of them. SCL expects a commitment to placing integrity at the core of all our business activities and includes the following principles:

• We promote and maintain relationships with suppliers and business partners that are cooperative and based on trust, fairness and transparency.

• We carry out our work in a manner that respects the human rights of others. This means we do not accept any form of forced or involuntary labour, human trafficking and modern slavery anywhere in our business.


SCL has multiple suppliers, and goods and services sourced by SCL come from all parts of the world. SCL continuously identifies supply categories where goods or services are potentially sourced in high-risk areas and requires suppliers to provide visibility of their supply chains. SCL is committed to procuring goods and services from suppliers who demonstrate ethical principles in the way they conduct their business.


SCL expects all employees to be treated with dignity and respect. Our aspiration is to provide a working environment in which all employees can realise their potential, free of harassment and discrimination. SCL is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its employees and has robust policies in place to support this. Resources are available across SCL for employees to report grievances or any alleged or actual wrongdoing.


We recognise the continuously evolving nature of modern slavery and will continue to review our policies, processes and training to ensure they are fit for purpose. We will continue to:
• develop our approach for tackling modern slavery within our business;
• focus on raising awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery, particularly for colleagues working on our international business in procurement roles; and
• continuously monitor and develop our supplier due diligence and risk assessment processes.